Let me re-introduce to you the Amazing Music Minister who goes by the name Gloray.
She's releasing this debut single titled 'You Are God' and an expression of the awesome work our Heavenly Father.
This is a song of worship and adoration to our King.
Produced by Solo Cosmos
Am sure this song will leave you with a note of thanksgiving for a very awesome and fulfilling year 2017.
It doesn't matter the burden you are carrying, Christ said "Come unto me, all ye that labour and heavy Laden, and i will give you rest;
Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is Good and his mercies endures forever!
Irrespective of how far you've strolled from God, you can RUN BACK!
There is room at the Cross for you!
Am sure you'd have this song on repeat for a long time. Enjoy and be blessed!